Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 6: Cleaning House...

For a few days after Tanya went to Christopher's to tell him about the baby, she stayed in her room.  The only time she came out was to spaghetti and ice cream (something she seemed to eat daily now.  She couldn't help it, the craving was just too strong to deny) and to make sure Anderson had food.  She was crushed.

The only joy in her world was watching Anderson paint. He was so innocent and she loved the way he saw the world.  She hoped he would stay that way for many many more years.  Anderson couldn't stand to see his mom so upset.  He did everything he could to cheer her up.  He made sure to stay on the honor roll, didn't ask for much, and painted as often as he could.  He knew how much she enjoyed his artwork and it was worth it just to see her smile for a few moments at a time.

Tanya never did get to tell Christopher about the baby before it came.  Every time she tried he said he was busy or worse he wouldn't answer the phone.  Finally she just gave up.  She could do it again, be a single mom.   She had to.  They deserved the best and that's what she was gonna give them.

The moment she laid eyes on the baby she knew it would all work out.  Brent was just as perfect as his brother was.  Tanya no longer cared if Christopher was cheating on her, all that mattered were the boys. It dawned on her that maybe her sole purpose in life was to be the best mother to as many children as possible.  Children deserve to be loved and that's what she was going to do.  Men come and go, but a mother's bond lasts a lifetime!

A couple days after Brent is born, Tanya realizes that she needs a little help now and then and decides to hire a maid.  This way she can spend more time with the boys and less time cleaning up after them.

Tanya was expecting a woman but was pleasantly surprised when Grady showed up.  She showed him around the house and explained how she wanted things done.  Afterwards the two chatted a bit, getting to know one another.  Tanya wanted him to feel like part of the family right away.  She never believed in treating people as "the help" and such.  Just because someone worked for you didn't mean they were inferior.

That afternoon Anderson asked Tanya to help him with his homework when he got home from school.  More than anything, he just wanted to feel close to her, he didn't really need the help, it was easy schoolwork.  She had been spending an awful lot of time with Brent and he just wanted a few minutes of Mommy time.

Tanya tried to concentrate on the homework but her gaze kept wandering to Grady.  She watched him off and on as she helped Anderson.  He was a lot cuter than she thought he'd be.  Grady seemed to be a genuinely nice guy too.   Anderson liked him as well, he took Grady on a tour of his "museum" (a walk around his room which is decorated with his very own paintings).

Tanya was afraid to let Anderson get too close to Grady though.  She didn't want him to be disappointed if Grady ever decided to quit working for them.  Connor was making a much better effort to be in Anderson's life, but Anderson still missed him a lot.  He could really use a male figure that he got to see daily.

All her worries about Grady disappearing on them faded away when she walked in from gardening to find him playing with Brent.  The two were having a blast!  Grady would toss the baby in the air and catch him just in time then blow bubbles on his tummy.  Tanya just stood there and watched smiling.  She loved the sound of a baby giggling!  It was intoxicating...


  1. Ah, damn you Christopher! But I'm glad to see she's still determined to be the best mother she can possibly be her kids. Great update! BTW, I like the sound of Grady making bubbles on Brent's tummy!

  2. Well, don't get too upset with Christopher just yet. As you suggested earlier, things may not be what they seem.

    And yes, Grady really seems to have taken to the children quite well. (It was neat to see him just walk over and start playing with the baby while he was working hehe)

  3. Loved the update!!! ^_^
    I love how Anderson has a "museum" in his bedroom!
    Grady seems like a nice guy! Potential baby daddy perhaps...?

  4. There is no sound better then a laughing child :)
    Going to the next chapter.
